I will be released soon, and I can’t wait to find a church. I know its important to have healthy people around me, so I have a support system. Please pray that I find one that helps me.
NLPM Student

We want to partner with the local church to help inmates across Canada!

In 2021, NLPM partnered with more than 40 churches to help transform the lives of inmates with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our church partnership program provides the local church with a way to reach into prisons with the gospel message through a mentorship volunteer program, connection points once an inmate is released and financial support. The NLPM team will work with your mission committee to provide ministry updates, virtual mentor volunteer training, and live speaking engagements.  We are thankful for each church that felt called to support the work of NLPM in 2021 and that God has given us the opportunity to connect with church communities in this way.

Please connect with our Executive Director, Nadia Zeversenuke Nadia@nlpm.ca to learn more about how we can partner with your church community!